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Comprehensive dental care for students and expats

At Tandzorg Delft, all the dental specialisms are united. This allows us to look at your dental situation from multiple disciplines and always keep your mouth healthy.

Our multilingual treatment team speaks English and Dutch, making our practice an excellent choice for expats.
We understand the needs of the expatriate community and are committed to delivering the highest standard of dental care in a welcoming and comfortable environment.

Register as a patient


Dental tariffs are set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) and are therefore the same for every practice. Despite these set rates and budgets, the cost of treatments can still differ. We are happy to explain why. Did you already know that dental costs that are not reimbursed are in some cases deductible for income tax purposes?

What is reimbursed by your health insurer?
Part of the care provided by dentists and oral care practices is covered by basic insurance. For adults, only dentures and click dentures ('fixed' dentures) are included in the basic insurance, and most treatments are provided by a dental surgeon.

Reimbursements vary by insurance company. Check your health insurance policy or contact your insurer to confirm your entitlements.

Reimbursement of dental costs up to the age of 18

The most common treatments, such as periodic check-ups, filling cavities and fluoride treatments, are fully reimbursed by the basic insurance. Special dental care, such as orthodontic and periodontal treatments, are not covered by the basic insurance. These costs can only be reimbursed from a supplementary dental insurance or an authorisation.

We’re welcoming new patients!

We believe everyone deserves a healthy smile. You can easily apply online right here on our website.

Register as a patient

Making an appointment

  • To schedule your periodic check-up, please use the appointment form.

  • To change an appointment, please call (at least 24 hours in advance) 040-2532456

  • For emergencies outside opening hours, please call 040-3111915


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Afspraak maken

Nog géén patiënt bij ons? Meld u dan hieronder aan:

BSN (direct invullen versnelt het aanmeldproces) (citizen service number):
Staat u onder bewind?/Are you under guardianship?:*
Selecteer uw praktijk / Select your location:*
Hoe bent u bij ons terecht gekomen?/How did you find us?:


Tandzorg Delft
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